Collection: Products

  • The Babushka Blend

  • ADDISALEM Bio-Reserve

  • TEFETRO-Natural Blend

  • MESGANA-House Blend

  • FIKIR-Single Origin

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    Have you ever wondered what the Ethiopian market has to offer? Step into a world of vibrant colors, exotic aromas, and a rich cultural heritage. In this blog post, we...


    Have you ever wondered what the Ethiopian market has to offer? Step into a world of vibrant colors, exotic aromas, and a rich cultural heritage. In this blog post, we...

  • Blog


    When it comes to coffee, there is one country that stands out from the rest: Ethiopia. Known as the birthplace of coffee, this African nation offers a unique and thrilling...


    When it comes to coffee, there is one country that stands out from the rest: Ethiopia. Known as the birthplace of coffee, this African nation offers a unique and thrilling...

  • Our Stories

    Our Stories

    DAGIMAWIMORE Ethiopians love coffee, period! As a result, coffee is still a social drink, even in coffee shops. Coffee is also a street drink in urban centers across Ethiopia, small...

    Our Stories

    DAGIMAWIMORE Ethiopians love coffee, period! As a result, coffee is still a social drink, even in coffee shops. Coffee is also a street drink in urban centers across Ethiopia, small...

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